Therese James
Saying Our Prayers
£450M50cm to 1m -
Therese James
Dotty Dogs
£500M50cm to 1m -
Francesca Owen
The Triumph Of Love
£4,250LOver 1m -
Francesca Owen
Everything Is Made Of Magic
£4,750LOver 1m -
Francesca Owen
Emerging From The Lake
£3,000M50cm to 1m -
Francesca Owen
Dreaming In The garden
£ POALOver 1m -
Paul Wadsworth
Swimming Under A Full Moon
£ POALOver 1m -
Paul Wadsworth
Indian Circus Dancers
£ POALOver 1m -
John Emanuel
Classical Head
£575SLess than 50cm -
Sax Berlin
White Gold Mortality
£ POAM50cm to 1m -
Therese James
Into God’s Hands
£1,100M50cm to 1m -
Therese James
Windy Sheep and Blowy Boats
£900M50cm to 1m